NLC Professional

We strive to nurture an environment that allows Eagles to soar while demonstrating the characteristics that influence our students to be First Choice.

How To Be A ‘First Choice’ Professional:
  • Act with courtesy, kindness, and class
  • Be accountable for your thoughts, words, and actions
  • Recognize the contributions of others
  • Promote a culture of direct communication; speak to people, not about them
  • Always assume good intentions
  • Resolve conflict quickly and with mutual respect and honesty
  • Embrace change, be positive and flexible

Special Sauces

What special sauce do you bring to NLC and your team? Many great new recipes are constantly being produced by our Eagles. We believe YOU may create the best recipe of all!

Every family has a recipe that is carried forth through the generations. A unique blend of diverse ingredients combines harmoniously to dazzle your tastebuds! It’s adored, it’s protected!

NLC recipes include special sauces. Our recipes do not involve food. They have to do with how we educate and lift each other, our students, and our industry friends. NLC’s recipes involve connecting every employee to the success of each student.

Eagles are our special sauces!

Eagles and their complementary skills, unique perspectives, and diverse experiences give NLC its competitive advantage. 

Ownership Brings Growth

Being accountable fosters trust and credibility
Owning your words, actions, and mistakes takes awareness and courage.
We see you! We applaud you!

NLC empowers Eagles to apply critical thinking and creativity to their processes and encourages ownership of their roles and interactions. NLC seeks to provide an environment that allows trial and error but fosters accountability as a catalyst for growth and to capture lessons learned.

Is this the right picture? Caption TBD to tie to copy.

How Can I Help?

A hurricane in Florida . . . a fire in California . . . a global pandemic. . . a health concern . . . an Eagle’s personal strife. In all these circumstances, a phrase is heard over and over, “How can I help?”  

We all know the best thing about working at NLC is the people, our fellow Eagles. Their compassion is without bounds. Their willingness to pivot, to uplift, and to step in and cover is always remarkable. Eagles collaborate and respect each other, strengthening their teams and our culture.

Listening ears, encouraging smiles, and helping hands are never in short supply at NLC!

Wins Beneath Our Wings

Recognition at NLC comes in many forms as we strive to hail the exceptional.

Daily, weekly, monthly!
Peer-to-peer, top-down, bottom-up, 360 degrees!

From simple successes to big and audacious achievements, for individuals or storming teams – ALL contributions matter to our students and provide an opportunity for recognition and connection between Eagles.

Some ways we recognize:

  • Crystal Awards
  • Shout outs on The Nest
  • Hard hat stickers
  • Legacy of Service anniversaries
  • New hire milestones
  • Birthday celebrations
  • Promotions
  • Personal notes

Crystal Club – White Gloves Recommended!

NLC values our Eagles and provides a peer-nominated process highlighting some of our best! Annually, one outstanding Eagle is presented the coveted First Choice Crystal Award. Others can win the New Frontier Crystal Award or one of the eight P. I. E. Awards.

Training Specialists can be recognized as Training Specialists of the Year for their home campus. NLC also names an Educator of the Year award winner.

These gorgeous awards are all custom made of crystal and winners become lifetime members of the Crystal Club.


Change is necessary, but it can be hard.
Applying a positive lens to the opportunity through the suggested UPs will help us reach exciting and new frontiers!

Add mountain with flag at top

Looking UP 
Maintain a higher vision, out of the weeds, while seeking and bringing value.

Showing UP 
Trust that your presence and example are vital to the journey.

Speaking UP 
Be open, ask questions, offer unexplored perspectives, and shape the solution.

Teaming UP 
Partners or teammates can reduce anxiety and support social learning during change. Never go it alone.

Never giving UP
Persistence is essential, yet so is flexibility.

Lifting others UP 
Hearten, share credit, and celebrate victories – large or small.

Adventure is out there!

Ride for the Brand

White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany

Add cowboy rodeo illustration

Just like a well-rounded and successful child, it takes a village to raise up and carry forth a brand. In the Old West, when a cowboy rode for the brand, it meant he had committed to the ranch owner’s mission, goals, and aims. It meant that he was a committed and dedicated team player.

Rather than a logo, specific colors, or font style, NLC’s brand is quality, safety, and innovation in training, applying our experience and methods to North America’s future lineworkers. Just like the cattleman’s stock, land, and mark are of great worth, our brand is a valued asset that deserves protection, promotion, and our best efforts to make it the best it can be.

Riding for the brand has a powerful impact.

As brand ambassadors, we hope Eagles are proud of and believe in the efficacy of our programs. Ownership and genuine support and engagement with our external presence is always appreciated.